Fast Histamine ELISA kit – HistaSure™ – Any fish sample

Ref: FC-E-3600
HistamineFood safetyResearch ELISA kits (RUO)ELISA

This fast Histamine ELISA kit was validated and certified by the AOAC Research Institute as an effective method for the quantitative measurement of histamine in fresh, frozen, canned fish samples and fish meals. Performed within 30 minutes, the assay can detect histamine levels between 0,44ppm and 300ppm in any fish sample, thus complying with regulatory requirements.

(Only available for customers outside of France)

Sample type 10g fresh fish, frozen fish, canned fish or fish meal
Samples/kit 40
Sensitivity 0.44ppm
Range 0 / 3.0 – 300ppm
Assay time 25 min
Reactivity Reacts with all species

1 x 48 wells


95 in stock



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Product overview

Product name Fast Histamine ELISA kit – Fish samples – HistaSure™
Description Fast-track Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of histamine levels in fresh fish, frozen fish, canned fish or fish meals
Labels AOAC Performance Tested Method #021402
Format 48-well plate
Samples 10g fish sample
Reactivity Reacts with all species
Standard range 0 / 3.0 – 300ppm


Specificity No significant cross-reactivity was observed with Histamine analogs such as L-Tryptophan, Tryptamine, 3-Methyl-Histamine, L-Histidine, L-Tyrosine, L-Phenylalanine, Tyramine, Cadaverine, Spermine, Putrescine, Trimethylamine
Assay time Sample acylation 5 min, ELISA 20 min
Storage Store at 2-8°C for up to 12 months
Datasheets Instructions for use, Material safety datasheet

Sample collection & storage Fresh/Frozen fish: keep fish frozen until analysis. Thaw samples under refrigeration or in cold water (no heated water bath). Store samples refrigerated (2-8°C) prior to testing. Blend samples until homogeneous.

Canned fish: Blend can content until homogeneous.

Canned marine products packed in oil, sauce, brine or broth: Drain for 2 minutes and blend until homogeneous.

Fish meal: Blend sample until homogeneous.

Extraction Weigh 10g of sample, add 240ml ultra-pure water and homogenize for 1-2 minutes with blender. Filter/centrifuge homogeneate. Use 50µl of extract for acylation.
Acylation Pipette 50µl of control(s) and sample extracts in wells. Add acylation buffer. Incubate with acylation reagent for 5min at RT on a shaker.
ELISA Histamine antiserum incubation (10 min), revelation and read steps (20 min).
Detailed protocol Download instructions for use

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