Histamine ELISA kit – HistaSure™ – Any food or beverage sample

Ref: FC-E-3100
HistamineFood safetyResearch ELISA kits (RUO)ELISA

This high-sensitive Histamine ELISA kit is tailored for the monitoring of histamine in food and beverage samples, including fish and fish products, sausages, dairy products and wine. Simple and rapid, the test was showned by Sevim Köse et al., 2011 to display high correlation with HPLC.

(Only available for customers outside of France)

Sample type 1g fish meal; 10g fresh fish, sausage, cheese; 10µl milk; 20µl wine
Samples/kit 40 samples in duplicate
Sensitivity 0.15µg/l
Range Depends on type of sample
Assay time 75 min
Reactivity Reacts with all species
Citations Cited in 1 paper

1 x 96 puits


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Product overview

Product name Sensitive Histamine ELISA kit – Food & Beverage samples – HistaSure™
Description Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the quantitative determination of histamine levels in food and beverage samples.
Format 96-well plate
Samples 1g fish meal; 10g fresh fish, sausage, cheese; 10µl milk; 20µl wine
Reactivity Reacts with all species
Standard range Depends on type of sample


Specificity No significant cross-reactivity was observed with Histamine analogs such as 3-Methyl-Histamine, Tyramine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Histidine, L-Tyrosine, Tryptamine, 5-Hydroxy-Indole-Acetic Acid and Serotonin
Assay time 15 min sample acetylation and 60 min ELISA
Storage Store at 2-8°C for up to 6 months
Datasheets Instructions for use, Material safety datasheet

Sample preparation Fish meal: Suspend 1g of fish meal in 200ml of distilled water and stir for 15 minutes. Pipette 1ml of the suspension and centrifuge for 5 minutes at maximum speed. Take 20µl of the supernatant and dilute with 20ml of distilled water. Use 100µl for acylation.

Fresh fish, sausage, cheese: Homogenize 10g of sample in 90 ml of distilled water for 1 – 2 minutes using a food mincer. Pipette 1ml of the suspension and centrifuge for 5 minutes at maximum speed. Remove lipid layer by suction. Take 20µl of the supernatant and dilute with 10ml of distilled water. Use 100µl for acylation.

Milk: Pipette 10µl of milk into a centrifugation tube and add 50µl of precipitator. Vortex mix, incubate for 5 minutes and add 2ml of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid (HCl). Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 3,000 x g and remove the lipid layer by suction. Use 100µl for acylation.

Wine: Dilute 20µl with 10ml of distilled water. Use 100µl for acylation.

Sample acylation Pipette 100µL of standards, controls and extracts. Add 25µL of Acylation Reagent to all wells and pipette 200µL of Acylation Buffer into all wells. Incubate 15 minutes at room temperature.
ELISA Histamine antiserum incubation (30 min), revelation and read steps (30min).
Detailed protocol Download instructions for use

Product citation

  • Commercial test kits and the determination of histamine in traditional (ethnic) fish products-evaluation against an EU accepted HPLC method
    Check the article
    Authors : Köse et al., Food Chemistry

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Histamine levels: 0,44ppm to 300ppm
Sample: Any fish sample, 10g
Feature: Fast (30 minutes)
