Norepinephrine ELISA kit
Fast – Plasma & Urine samples

Ref: BA-E-6200
NeuromediatorsCatecholaminesDiagnostic ELISA kits (IVD)Research ELISA kits (RUO)ELISA

This Norepinephrine ELISA kit is tailored to rapidly measure Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) in urine and plasma samples. Intended for in vitro diagnostics & research use, this fast-track quantitative immunoassay enables to determine Norepinephrine levels in up to 40 samples within 4 hours.

Sample type 10µl urine, 300µl plasma
Samples/kit 40 samples in duplicate
Sensitivity 1.5ng/ml urine, 50pg/ml plasma
Range 5 – 1000ng/ml
Assay time Sample extraction and acylation (65 min), ELISA (3h)
Reactivity Reacts with all species
Citations Cited in 8 papers

1 x 96 wells

Regulatory status

In Vitro Diagnostics (EU), Research Use Only




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Product overview

Product name Norepinephrine ELISA kit – Urine/Plasma – Fast-Track
Description In vitro diagnostics enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the rapid determination of Noradrenaline levels in plasma and urine samples
Labels IVD (EU only) or RUO, CE
Format 96-well plate
Samples 10µl urine, 300µl plasma
Reactivity Reacts with all species
Standard range 0 / 5 – 1000ng/ml

1.5ng/ml urine, 50pg/ml plasma

Specificity No significant cross-reactivity was observed with Noradrenaline analogs such as Dopamine, Adrenaline, Metanephrine, Normetanephrine, Methoxytyramine, 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol, Tyramine, Phenylalanine, Caffeinic acid, L-Dopa, Homovanillic acid, Tyrosine and 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxymandelic acid
Assay time 4 hours
Storage Store at 2-8°C for up to 6 months
Datasheets Instructions for useMaterial safety datasheet


Sample collection & storage Plasma: EDTA-Plasma samples only. Do not use haemolytic or lipemic samples. Storage: up to 6 hours at 2 – 8°C; for longer periods (up to 6 months) at – 20°C

Urine: Spontaneous or 24-hours urine, collected in a bottle containing 10-15 mL of 6 M HCl. Storage: for longer periods (up to 6 months) at -20°C

Sample preparation Sample preparation, extraction and acylation (65min)
ELISA Norepinephrine antiserum incubation (2H), revelation and read steps (1h)
Detailed protocol Download instructions for use

Product citations

  • Lactate Infusion Increases Circulating pro-Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Humans
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    Authors : Fernlund Röja, DiVA
  • Stress Responses of Examiners during Ophthalmic Examination Practices in Healthy Young Students
    Check the article
    Authors : Toda et al., Applied Sciences
  • Effects of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibition on Glucose Metabolism, Liver Function, Ascites, and Hemodynamics in a Mouse Model of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis and Type 2 Diabetes
    Check the article
    Authors : Koichi et al., Journal of Diabetes Research
  • Resuscitation From Hemorrhagic Shock With Fresh and Stored Blood and Polymerized Hemoglobin
    Check the article
    Authors : Williams et al., Shock
  • Balance between oxygen transport and blood rheology during resuscitation 2 from hemorrhagic shock with polymerized bovine hemoglobin
    Check the article
    Authors : Williams et al., Journal of apllied physiology
  • Myogenic vasoconstriction requires G 12/G 13 and LARG to maintain local and systemic vascular resistance
    Check the article
    Authors : Chennupati et al., eLife
  • Increased arterial pressure in mice with overexpression of the ADHD candidate gene calcyon in forebrain
    Check the article
    Authors : Elmarakby et al., PloS one
  • Hyperfiltration in ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1-deleted mice
    Check the article
    Authors : Boisvert et al., Clinical Science

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